
The General Directorate of Water Management (OVF) is an independently operating institute and a central governmental body under the direction of the Minister of Interior. Its headquarter is in Budapest. Activities of the General Directorate of Water Management (OVF) cover the whole country. It coordinates the professional activities of the 12 local water directorates in Hungary.
Role in the project
General Directorate of Water Management aim is to ensure the quality levels of the project’s results through the continuous monitoring of the project activities and their proper execution. Coordination of the workplan and the partners as well.

The Hungarian Innovation Agency (NIÜ) facilitates the advancement of innovation in Hungary. The Agency aims to expand the horizon of Hungarian innovation all over the world and invite enterprises (from startups to corporations) to bring R&D to Hungary.
NIÜ stands committed to its formal duties of cultivating innovation within Hungary. Our organizational divisions are strategically structured to undertake a spectrum of tasks and duties aimed at fostering innovation across various sectors. Through a comprehensive array of educational, entrepreneurial, and collaborative initiatives, we foster a culture of innovation that resonates across all sectors of society.
Role in the project
In DALIA NUI is involved as a Replication and scale-up strategy developer and is associated with the pilots execution, Impact assessment and Development of Links.

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) is one of the largest universities in Romania and the only one specialising entirely in economics and business studies. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs, doctorates and post-doctoral programs in Economics, Business, Laws, and interdisciplinary fields. The Research Centre for Sustainable Development (RCSD) carries out research activities to ensure scientific and operational support for sustainable development and the achievement of the medium and long-term objectives of EU and Romania. RCSD aims to develop advanced skills that combine interdisciplinary collaboration, systemic approach and transdisciplinary research to ensure scientific and operational support for businesses and policy development in accordance with the objectives of sustainable development. Also, RCSD contributes to the training of future generations leaders having the ability to understand and address the real problems of the economy, society and the environment in an integrated manner.
Role in the project
ASE’s role in the project is to contribute to integrating actions for supporting the social and economic transitions towards a sustainable long-term management of the restored ecosystems as well as to identify the most appropriate business models in close cooperation with local business communities and stakeholders.
The ambition of ASE is to decisively contribute to stimulating business activity in the restored area of the Danube River Basin and further expand the knowledge sharing related to biodiversity-business interrelation to other local and regional communities thus facilitating implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Biopolus uses ecological engineering principles, specially developed technologies and simulation models for nature-based biological treatment of water bodies. Our focus is water-based circularity, where water recycling, energy and nutrient recovery are combined for additional efficiency, sustainability, and economic benefits. The NBS solutions are harmonious with the local natural and built environment. We have a global presence with full scale projects in Europe, Asia, and the GCC, and we have also been involved in several large-scale lighthouse EU Horizon innovation projects.
Role in the project
Biopolus will be part of the team to perform the ecological assessment of the individual sites, the replication and scale-up strategy of the solutions, and an assessment of future business opportunities and sustainability impact.

The BIOEAST HUB CZ is the first national BIOEAST HUB in the BIOEAST region established in line with the BIOEAST Governance and Roadmap and with the support of BIOEAST NCP and the Ministry of Agriculture CZ to gather stakeholders and support their engagement in bioeconomy. The BIOEAST HUB CZ is the coordinator of two BIOEAST Thematic Working Groups - Fresh Water Based Bioeconomy and Bioeconomy Education established at the macro-regional level.
Role in the project
In DALIA BHCZ is coordinating the Communication and Dissemination activities to ensure that all project results are shared efficiently with the public and all related stakeholders.
Czech republic

The Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a cross-border business association with a mission to promote cooperation between Bulgarian and Romanian companies and help them achieve sustainable growth by providing them with tailor-made services. BRCCI implements initiatives and projects in the fields of entrepreneurship, environment protection, transport and connectivity, regional development, digitalisation, education.
Role in the project
BRCCI’s role in the project is to lead the efforts for the identification and assessment of the potential for involvement of citizens and stakeholders in the socio-economic transition towards sustainability, as well as to explore business opportunities and develop an analysis for the sustainability of project results.
Bulgaria / Romania

CWBA - Crişuri Water Basin Administration is located in the western part of Romania and manages the waters located on the territory of the “Crișuri” River Basin, from the public domain and the infrastructure of the Water Management System consisting of accumulation lakes, flood protection dams, inter-basin derivations, water intakes and other specific hydro-technical works, as well as the infrastructure of hydrological, hydrogeological and monitoring of the quality of water resources in its heritage, in order to know and manage surface and groundwater resources.
Role in the project
CWBA is involved in multiple working packages, and would like to reduce massive PET pollution in the cross-border sector providing support for the sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems by placing 3 litter traps on 3 main streams in the transboundary area comprising DPS9.
In this project, CWBA would like to demonstrate the undeniable benefits for environmental factors and develop support tools for the sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems.

The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague is the third largest university in Prague. Backed by one hundred years of history, CZU combines cutting-edge technologies, progressive science and research in agriculture, forestry, environment, engineering, economy, management and business. CZU provides complete higher education, summer schools, lifelong learning courses and the University of the Third Age to over 20,000 people. CZU cooperates with a number of private and public organizations and research institutions both at local and international level. The university is a member of EuroLeague for Life Sciences (ELLS), a prestigious network of universities, and also belongs among twenty-eight members of Agrinatura, a group of European universities and research institutions with aim to foster sustainable agricultural development. In the last years CZU established the Centre for Precision Agriculture, Bioeconomy Platform of the Czech University and Water, Soil and Landscape Centre.
Role in the project
CZU is a research organisation leading WP1: Danube River Basin Lighthouse Demonstrators. CZU experts will contribute to the project mainly with their expertise in water resources management and environmental modelling.
Czech Republic

The Institute for Development and Innovation (IDI) is an economic think tank established in Belgrade, Serbia, with a mission to empower people to become economically independent individuals. The IDI utilizes knowledge from economic, social and behavioural sciences, with a vision to establish an economically and democratically developed society based on equal opportunities.
Role in the project
The Institute for Development and Innovation contributes mostly to optimal engagement of local communities and stakeholders, and dissemination and communication activities.

meteoblue AG ( is a Swiss specialist company producing high accuracy weather data covering the entire Earth, using high-resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP), earth observation data, and sensor data. meteoblue delivers weather and climate data via API, downloads, plug-ins etc. adapted to the needs of different user groups. The meteoblue Learning Multimodel (mLM) processing chain combines on the order of 35 public and proprietary NWP models with sensor data and is fully automatic.
Open data such as weather station data and the results of public NWP models as well as ERA5 reanalysis provided by the Copernicus Climate Store form an important pillar of meteoblue commercial activities. meteoblue adds value by combining open and proprietary data via machine learning to improve local accuracy, and by providing efficient access to arbitrary subsets of the data.
meteoblue has a proven track record in (1) the development of special downscaling methods for refinement or adaptation of weather data for diverse customer needs and in (2) the provision of tailored services for agriculture, solar energy, wind energy, building management, city climate management, automotive, transport and logistics, air traffic, media and websites, outdoor and sports, etc.
meteoblue customers range from high-profile multinational companies such as Syngenta, Siemens, Microsoft, to small and mid-sized enterprises in the agriculture, energy, building automation, automotive, air traffic, shipping, tourism and other sectors. Globally known applications include the meteoblue website and apps, as well as MS Flight Simulator 2020.
Role in the project
Meteoblue data and tools, partially developed in other EU projects, will allow demonstrators and pilot projects to quickly integrate and use top quality weather and climate data from Copernicus and other sources. Meteoblue will provide methods for early flood risk warnings for the Danube catchment areas involved in this project.

The National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (NIHWM), public institution, is the national authority in hydrology, hydrogeology and water management. NIHWM develops research activities and provides operational services of national and international public interest for the protection and socio-economic well-being of people. The Institute’s activities are very dynamic, constantly adapting to new requirements and concerns.
Role in the project
NIHWM is one of the 12 project’s partners, being co-responsable for the implementation of the study case related to the improvement of sediment monitoring in the Danube Delta and a better knowledge of sediment budget transported through the Sulina branch into the Black Sea (DPS7).
NIHWM wants to prove that using specific equipment for sediment monitoring is possible to improve the knowledge of sediment budget, especially in extreme events.

Széchenyi István University is halfway between Hungary, Austria and Slovakia’s capital and is next to the Mosoni Danube. The university offers unique training and research in the region, which serves engineering-focused production activities, helping build the North-Transdanubian economy and its social and institutional infrastructure. In the university, we formed a Water Resources Research Group; our primary research focus is on responding to short to medium-term water resource issues and preparing effective water management decisions.
Role in the project
In DALIA SZE develops the Szigetköz demonstration site (DPS1). We want to introduce the Szigetköz region-revitalization system and determine water-related projects to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and preserve the natural environment and ecological diversity.

The T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute (TGM WRI), a public research institution, was established as one of the first scientific institutes in the independent Czechoslovak Republic. In the field of hydrology, the TGM WRI focuses on issues of quantification and protection of water resources (especially in response to a series of major floods and drought years), the development and application of methods for measuring and monitoring the parameters of water movement in watercourses and reservoirs, as well as the issue of hydroecology and different aspects of water quality in general.
Role in the project
The TGM WRI is involved in multiple working packages with the most emphasis on DPS3 Soutok Pilot. The DPS is characterised by problems related to low flows, the findings will be used in cooperation with other pilots to deliver the Low flow calculator application and HAMR enhancement, thus deepening the knowledge of manageable inland wetland-river interactions. Furthermore TGM WRI will participate in policy making and scientific knowledge build-up and dissemination.
Czech Republic

Plastic Cup Society originally established in 1996 under the name Society, began as a passionate nature filmmaking team. The society produced an environmental television documentary series focused on addressing plastic pollution in the Tisza River. The success of this led to the creation of a non-profit environmental initiative known as the Plastic Cup, which has since become a registered trademark and the official name of the society. Presently, Plastic Cup stands out as one of the most influential and effective river cleanup initiatives in the Danube River Basin, owing to its impressive results, a large number of participants, and substantial outputs. This initiative goes beyond the simple act of cleanup. By emphasizing monitoring, education, and recycling, it addresses various aspects of riverine litter and tailors its approach to each phase.
Role in the project
THU is the owner of pilot #8, where along the Bodrog river we will showcase our best practice toolkit against plastic pollution and stakeholders' involvement for clean rivers.
The toolkit of Plastic Cup is a combination of citizen science, knowledge sharing, awareness raising and stakeholders’ engagement - only this way it is possible to prevent and stop plastic pollution at the rivers before reaching the oceans.

Founded in August 1993, NGO People and Water assists municipalities and regions with the design of programs for the integrated protection of water. NGO activities are devoted to education; implementation of pilot projects; awareness-raising and supporting legislature changes related to utilization and protection of water resources, flood protection, water scarcity, enhancement of biodiversity and negative consequences of climate change mitigation.
Ambition what to achieve in the project
In DALIA, PaW develops DPS 4 activities to prove that rainwater retention measures can be used to regenerate springs and mitigate climate change.

The UGAL - ''Dunarea de Jos'' University of Galati (UDJG) is higher education institution in Romania. The University has a legacy in the research of Danube River and Danube Delta (due to its location on Danube’s shore) through the research activities.The UDJG will be involved in this project through the REXDAN Research Infrastructure, which has performant research equipment of new generation, including a river research vessel. UDJG can be involved in research areas related to water, sediments, soil, air, biodiversity, bathymetry, hydromorphology, etc. thus approaching multiple domains: chemistry, biology, physics, environmental science, ecology, bathymetry, topography, atmospheric chemistry, sustainable development, etc. UGAL management capacities are sustain by its complex organigram in order to assure a efficient feed-back to all necessary requirements involving the implementation of national and international projects, as well as to ensure an optimum operational management within the projects consortiums.
Role in the project
UDJG being co-responsible with NIHWM for the implementation of the study case related to the improvement of sediment monitoring in the Danube Delta and a better knowledge of sediment transported through the Sulina branch into the Black Sea DPS7.

UNSFA is an institution of higher education and scientific research whose mission is to stimulate high-quality educational processes, development of scientific disciplines and dissemination of knowledge gained in economy and society. As part of the comprehensive educational and scientific system, it is a driving force of social development and the initial force behind the development of agriculture in Serbia and the Western Balkan.
Role in the project
Our role in the project is to organize activities within the DPS5 in Serbia – Begečka Jama, with the aim to support the use of sustainable solutions for ecosystem restoration and monitoring and also organize activities in tasks related to the analysis of the associated regions and knowledge transfer.
In order to integrate requirements of the ecosystem, water quality, and flood risk, our aim is to create guidelines in accordance with the principles of NBS and to develop a new Danube Water Quality Index.

With over 60 years of cumulated experience, the National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection Bucharest (INCDPM) represents a Romanian prominent institution in environmental protection and development of solutions for the sustainable exploitation of the resources and their offered services and assumes its mission to meet the needs of society in the fields of sustainable development, environmental protection, biodiversity conservation and climate changes, on a national and international level.
Role in the project
INCDPM is responsible for the implementation of the DALIA DPS 6 related to Sturgeon migration by-pass Iron Gate I and II.

CCSS is an independent, non-profit association of legal entities which cooperate with organizations and individuals in the Czech Republic and abroad. CCSS activities are oriented in a wide range of thematic areas implemented in international European research projects. The results of these projects aim at supporting small and medium sized enterprises and the development of their activities. Activities also extend to the field of information technology, advisory, education, sustainable development and the development of applications in the field of environment, water, forestry, agriculture, agrotourism, and precision farming.
Role in the project
CCSS is a technical partner and technology provider to the project.
Czech Republic

GeoZentrum Nordbayern is the research team of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). The hydro-working group studies inorganic water chemistry and biogeochemical cycles in ground- and surface waters of rivers catchments. The current focus is on the investigation of stable isotope systems of carbon, oxygen and water. This implies investigations of aqueous carbon phases including dissolved inorganic, organic and particulate organic carbon (DIC, DOC and POC) as well as dissolved oxygen, water isotopes, major ions and trace elements.
Role in the project
In DALIA we conduct investigations of ground and surface waters along the Danube River system and along the pilot sites.
In collaboration with other experts in the project we would like to establish systematic relationships between water chemistry and environmental data that lead to open-access peer-reviewed publications in the international literature.

The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KUEI) is an independent non-governmental, fully state-recognized university, founded in 1980, sustained by an ecclesiastical foundation under public law. KUEI’s Aueninstitut Neuburg / Floodplain Institute Neuburg (AI) is a research centre closely linked and affiliated to the Professorship of Applied Physical Geography at the Faculty of Mathematics and Geography. It primarily focuses on applied research on floodplain ecology and restoration, on the development and improvement of near-natural floodplain solutions, on the ecological monitoring, assessment and valorisation of floodplain dynamics and respective ecosystem services.
Role in the project
CUEI's role in the DALIA project is to manage WP 2: “Replication and scale-up to Associated Regions” - The main objective is to analyse potential regions for transferability of results from the demonstrator sites (pilot areas), consolidate communication channels, and to identify and attract relevant new stakeholders based on the existing networks. On this basis, specific expansion pathways will be developed that meet the regional, economic and sectoral requirements for the creation of new pilot demonstrators in associated regions.
Furthermore, KUEI leads the “Detailed analysis of demonstrators’ ecosystems” – The main objective is to analyse the demonstrators (pilots) regarding successfully implemented restoration measures. The output of this task comprises factsheets on the individual pilot sites with special focus on the replicable measures.
CUEI is also in charge of the Demonstrator Pilot Site 2 ‘Reconnected Floodplain’.

F6S is a leading global founder and startup network that helps public sector entities around the world to promote, communicate and disseminate technical and research projects. F6S stands for F-ounder-S. Our mission is to help founders and startups grow to solve the world's pressing social, economic, environmental, sustainability and innovation problems. In addition to F6S' work with governmental entities, we also work with corporates, investors, research institutions, programs, universities and others in the global startup ecosystem. F6S tools deliver company growth through grants, partnerships, funding, investment, pilot contracts, partnerships, jobs & talent recruitment, company services and more.
Role in the project
In DALIA, we support valorizing and disseminating the project results by developing the Open Call for Associated Regions: RIVERS REVIVED.
- Hungarian Innovation Agency
- Biopolus Institute
- The General Directorate of Water Management
- Széchenyi István University
- Plastic Cup Society
- The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- The Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Crişuri Water Basin Administration
- The National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
- The UGAL - ''Dunarea de Jos'' University of Galati
- National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection Bucharest
The Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Czech Republic:
- The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- The T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute
- Czech Center for Science and Society
People and Water
- The Institute for Development and Innovation
- UNSFA - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture
meteoblue AG
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt